Privacy Policy

At, we value your privacy above all else. We strive to provide you with a seamless and satisfying website experience while ensuring your complete confidence in using our platform. As a user of our Internet Services, we are committed to protecting your privacy and security. Our Privacy Policy outlines how we collect information from both Visitors and Subscribers and how we use and store that information. We encourage you to carefully review this policy before using our website. While we take all necessary precautions to prevent unauthorized disclosure of your personal information, we cannot guarantee that such information will never be disclosed in a manner that does not align with our Privacy Policy.


When Subscribers sign up for our Newsletter or purchase Products or Services on they will be asked to share personal information such as name, address, telephone number, billing information, and the type of computer they use to access the Services. This personal information is collected to ensure that each Subscriber’s account is properly managed, especially for billing purposes. Please take note that this information may be shared with third parties under special circumstances as stated herein. There are cases where we work with partners to promote our Services, and we may provide them with certain personal information, such as name and address, for the purpose of offering other products and services. ( Under no circumstances will the billing information be shared with a third-party entity, nor such information be kept in our servers or our platforms for any purpose ) However, this information may not be used by our partners for any other purpose. From the information Subscribers provide during registration, we may create non-identifying and aggregate profiles which we may use to sell advertisements that appear on the Services. Such profiles do not contain Subscriber names, only the total number of Subscribers. Rest assured that your personal information is safe with us, and we take all necessary measures to protect it.

Online Marketing:

At, we may showcase online ads that are tailored to reach a specific audience. To achieve this, we share information collected through registration, online surveys, and promotions with our advertisers. This information is solely used to display ads that are relevant to our visitors and subscribers. Our advertising partners provide us with ads that are customized for a target audience, and based on the information we have gathered, we select and display the ad to the intended audience. We respect our visitors’ and subscribers’ privacy and only share relevant information with our advertising partners.

Customer Satisfaction Surveys:

At, we conduct occasional business and customer surveys. We invite you to take part in these surveys as they provide us with essential feedback on how to improve our product and service offerings. We may combine your survey responses, to create broader data points such as age, gender, employment, hobbies, and more. This aggregated information helps us to enhance the quality of our services and develop new products. Rest assured, we only share this non-personally identifiable data with trusted third parties.

Special Circumstances:

At our company, we value your privacy. We want you to know that we may use and share your personal information, as described in our policies, without additional notice or means to opt out. Additionally, in some cases, we may disclose your information to law enforcement agencies, or other necessary parties if we believe it is necessary and reasonable to do so, such as to comply with laws or to protect our company and our subscribers.

California Residents:

Our privacy policy outlines the types of personally identifiable information that we collect from individuals who use or visit our commercial website or online service. This information may be shared with third-party entities as described in the policy. Please note that we do not provide a process for consumers to review or change their personally identifiable information collected through our website or online service. If material changes are made to our privacy policy, we will notify consumers through the process described in the “Revisions to this Policy” section below. Under California Law SB 27, residents have the right to receive information about third parties with whom we have shared personal information for marketing purposes during the previous year. To make such a request, please send an email to with “California Privacy Request” in the subject line and include your name, address, email address, and the website domain in question. Our privacy policy is effective from its Last Updated date, listed at the end of the document. For the purposes of this policy and California compliance, personally identifiable information may include a name, physical address, email, phone number, or other identifier allowing contact with a specific individual.


Our website may use cookies to collect information for statistical purposes and to improve our products and services. By visiting our website, a small data file may be placed on your browser. If you choose to disable cookies, certain features of our site may not be available. Third-party partners may also use their own cookies, but we do not control their use. We may use Remarketing with Google Analytics, Adroll, and Facebook to advertise online based on visitors’ past website activity. To opt out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and customize Google Display Network ads, visit and use Google’s opt-out browser add-on at

Children Privacy:

Ensuring the protection of children’s privacy is of utmost importance to us. Our strict adherence to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 and other relevant laws compels us to limit access to our website to individuals who are at least eighteen years of age. If you are under eighteen years of age, we regret to inform you that accessing this website is prohibited. Our compliance with age restrictions means that information obtained on this website does not fall within the purview of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act and is not monitored as such.

Information Security:

Our servers and websites are outfitted with robust security measures to defend against any unauthorized access, alteration, or misuse of your personal information. It is highly unlikely and almost impossible that malicious third-party actors can penetrate our security measures. Nevertheless, we are committed to ensuring the utmost safety and security of your personal data. We cannot guarantee at 100% that said malicious actors won’t on extremely rare occasions access this data.

Site Ownership

As grows, it may pass into new hands. If that happens, we want to assure you that your relationship with this site will be respected. In case of a buyout, merger, insolvency, or other change in’s ownership, your data may be shared with the entity that acquires or controls this site. Although choosing not to receive third-party communications won’t alter our capacity to transfer your data to a successor, your preferences regarding your data’s utilization will continue to be honored.

Should you have questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at